Thursday, November 16, 2006

Adventures in the U.K. part 4: The Awakening

Sep 29, 2006 12:42 PM

Hello All,
I haven't sent out a mass email in a while because I spent my Internet budget for the last few days on a box of delicious chocolate chip cookies! :)
I left off last time when I was in Oxford. Now I am in Cambridge. I like Cambridge more than I like Oxford but I didn't really spend too much time in Oxford.
I got in to Cambridge in the afternoon some time, and set off to find where I was going to sleep. The Hostel had some room, but it was just over £20 per night and the campsites are about a quarter of that so I'm sleeping in a tent again. It's a very nice tent though. But there's always one or two ants that seem to be able to get in. I've never once gotten wet from the rain even though it rains nearly every day.
Wednesday I met up with Owen, a traceur (parkourer) here in Cambridge and we trained all morning. I tripped my feet jumping over a rail and slammed down onto a brick flower bed. My leg went bum and I couldn't train at all the rest of the day. Oh well. At about 11 we met up with a guy named Tim, or Tom, something like that. People here talk funny. He's a Traceur on the Urban Freeflow team, which I'm personally not to fond of but he's an OK guy. A breaker as well, or break dancer, as they call them here. I learned more about parkour as an ability to know one's own body and move through one's environment.
Yesterday I just bummed around town and read in the park, and ate my bread and meat and cheese. I spent a few hours in the Christian Science reading room catching up on my world events.
Today I'm walking around again, continuing to plan my itinerary for when Jack gets here and we hit the main land. Like a tornado. That rides trains. and stays in hostels.
Sorry it was so boring but I had to make sure you all know I'm still alive. I'm going to start thanking people or groups of people that contributed to my being able to make this trip possible at the end of each email. Let me know if you want to be removed from this mailing list. I won't be offended. :)
ta ta for now, Thanks for reading!

Today I would like to give thanks to my parents. They have always supported me and encouraged my will to travel. They are not only my financial backing but also a spiritual support team there for me 24/7. I Love you both very much.

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