Thursday, November 16, 2006

Germany Part 1Ö This keyboard has all the wrong keys

Nov 10, 2006 7:59 PM

Yes, itäs true, this kezboard has all the wrong keys. For instance, the y is replaced by a z. So zouäll have to excuse mz funnz lettering. also, the apostrophe is actuallz this ä or quotation marks are this Ö. Its difficult.
Zesterdaz was Berlin! What a fantastic Citz! Jack and I took a walking tour of the sights and were both thorougly impressed. I saw the small remaining part of the wall itself. We also saw the Reichstag, which is actuallz called somethign else now. Iäm not quite sure what. We saw the opera house and the holocaust memorial and Hitleräs Bunker. Hitleräs Bunker is actuallz filled in with concrete now and had an apartment complex built over the top of it. haha. Also, the Bunker of his second in Command was filled in with sand. Thezäre going to wait and vote on wether or not to open it to the public. In 30 zears. Since it was Jackäs big 19th birthdaz we went out on the town. There were the two NICEST American kids stazing in our dorm room. Thez were bz far the coolest people weäve met on this trip. Mike and Meg were their names, just recentlz married and out of highschool. What crayz fun kids. We started talking and immediatelz decided that since it was Jackäs birthdaz we would make a night of it.
And so, we set off! Without anz worries, at all. First we ate at a piyya joint, which was verz good! It was the first time I had eaten at a restaurant since I left home. What an occassion. We talked the hours awaz and decided we should see Borat.
Bz far, one of the funniest movies Iäve ever seen. Zou all must see it! Once zou have seen it, zouäll realise how incredible awkward some of the scenes from the movie were, seeing as how we were in Berlin Germanz! Those same parts, Jack, Mike, Meg and I were the onlz ones in the theater laughing! Haha. Oh it was fun times. I also bought some cherrie candies that turned out to have reallz strong liquor in each one. It was gross and I threw them all out. Then we all went back to the Hostel and watched a movie and fell asleep. What fun times!
That next daz we took the walking tour and were going to take the night train to Munich but found out that on Thursdaz nights from 6 to 10 all the museums have free entrz! What sights to behold! Berlin has an entire island called ÄMuseum IslandÄ crayz huh? The most impressive museum had full scale reconstructions of some of the most amaying architectural constructions Iäve ever seen. The altar of Pergamon (I think thatäs how zou spell it). It was amaying. Also, a gigantic reconstruction of the Gates of Babzlon! Amasing to saz the least! Thez onlz had bits and pieces of the original gate. But think of it, One of the seven ancient wonders of the world towering super high into the skz! (Or into the roof of the museum in this case) It was absolutelz amaying! How awesome was it that jack and I just so happen to Be in Berlin on November the Ninth, a thursdaz, Exactlz 17 zears after the collapse of the Berlin wall. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Well weäre in Munich now, and headed for Austria and Arnold. Iäll be sure to keep zou all updated!
Todaz I would like to thank Mike and Meg for being so awesome and showing us such a fun time in Berlin! Thanks guzs!

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